StrataCom has provided IT service management consulting and business process analysis for a long list of Fortune 1000 clients since 1997. We recognize the individuality of your business processes and work diligently to maximize your investment. It is our firm belief that no company should have to change their business to fit a software package, ever. Share your vision with us and we’ll speak candidly with you about how StrataCom can make that vision a reality.


3523 45th Street South, Fargo, ND 58104

+1 -701-232-5697

Cherwell mApps

Customer Approvals Essentials

Get started using the StrataCom Customer Approvals Essentials to begin simply using the customer approvals.  This mApp sets you up for instant success allowing your customers to be approvers in your system.

Learn more about the Customer Approvals mApp and access the download link HERE

Terms and Conditions

This mApp is the intellectual property of StrataCom Inc. and can be freely used by Cherwell customers.  This mApp may not be distributed, re-packaged, re-sold, or used in any commercial activity.  If you want to license part/all of this mApp for commercial purposes, please contact StrataCom Inc.

What does this mean?

  • Can you use this mApp? Yes, for free.  We welcome your feedback!
  • Can you modify this mApp? Yes, as much as you’d like.  We’d love to hear of any additional features you think we should add.
  • Can I send this mApp to my friend at another company?  We’d prefer you refer that person our website to download it for themselves.  This will insure they have the most recent version.
  • Can I take your mApp and embed it in my mApp? No.  This is expressly forbidden, but we are very open to collaboration.  Please contact us if you are interested in that.
  • Can I alter it and put it on the mApp exchange? No.  This is expressly forbidden.

For more information about this mApp and to download, please click HERE