RED Essentials: Leverage Cherwell’s core strengths in order to manage Requirements, Enhancements, and Defects (RED) to fulfill organizational Software Lifecycle Management.
Here are some Common Problems your organization may face without RED Essentials:
- No centralized location for Requirements, Enhancements and Defects (RED) that include all pertinent information
- No Repository for User Acceptance Testing checklists and results
- No way to track proper status on RED closure
- No real-time Dashboard or access to REDs
How RED Essentials Solves These Problems:
- Provides one main form that allows users to centrally document all Requirements, Enhancements and Defects (RED) during implementations
- REDs can be split into the following types: Requirements, Gap in Requirements, Enhancements, and Defects
- Cherwell’s OOB best practice Priority Matrix is utilized to help gauge importance level of REDs
- The following Categories can be related: Change Request,Incident, and Supplier
- Time spent on individual REDs are trackable (i.e. Estimated vs Actual)
- Working Status can be tracked by: Not Started, Design, Development, Testing, Customer Acceptance and Completed
- Solution Codes can be used to acknowledge how REDs are closed (i.e. Accept Defect, By Design, Cannot Reproduce, Deferred, Fixed, Postponed, Will Not Fix and Withdrawn)
- Allows for User Tests and RED Testing Checklists to be attached to each item
- Real-time Dashboard with reports on percentage of Requirements completed by Type, Category, and Subcategory
- Dashboard has drill-down functionality allowing users to dive right into REDs assigned to them
For more information about the RED Essentials mApp and to download, click HERE