StrataCom has provided IT service management consulting and business process analysis for a long list of Fortune 1000 clients since 1997. We recognize the individuality of your business processes and work diligently to maximize your investment. It is our firm belief that no company should have to change their business to fit a software package, ever. Share your vision with us and we’ll speak candidly with you about how StrataCom can make that vision a reality.


3523 45th Street South, Fargo, ND 58104

+1 -701-232-5697

Upcoming Events

Cherwell Care Managed Services

Are your developers and administrators overwhelmed by demands from the business? Are you interested in improving your Cherwell tool and processes but internal resources are too busy? Do you want to see real results from the additional features of upgrading to a new version? Growing and maintaining Cherwell-specific expertise takes time…and money. Choose StrataCom and save both. Our certified […]

Upcoming Events

Micro Focus (HPE) Service Manager Performance Tuning Package

Many Micro Focus (legacy HPE) Service Manager clients struggle with system performance. The frustration resulting from poor performance can cause organizations to look for alternative software solutions. Instead of throwing away your investment, consider StrataCom’s Service Manager Performance Tuning package. Common Complaints: Service Manager is slow during the busiest time of day Login times are […]

Upcoming Events

Cherwell Health Check Tune Up Offering

Many organizations implement Cherwell with the intention of later improving their processes and building out the functionality of the tool. However, day to day operations at the help desk often prevent administrators from keeping their tools lean and mean. StrataCom offers a Health Check Tune Up designed to ensure that your tool and processes are running optimally. StrataCom’s Cherwell […]

Webinars & Training

Recorded Event: RED Essentials, Dev Ops, and Cherwell ITSM – Cherwell Advanced Practitioner Webinar

StrataCom presents: The Fusion of ITSM and DevOps in Cherwell Watch this interactive Webinar to see how your organization can extend Cherwell to support Use Cases such as DevOps, Backlog Management, and Continual Service Improvement. The new StrataCom RED Essentials mApp will be demonstrated followed by an interactive Q&A session.