StrataCom has provided IT service management consulting and business process analysis for a long list of Fortune 1000 clients since 1997. We recognize the individuality of your business processes and work diligently to maximize your investment. It is our firm belief that no company should have to change their business to fit a software package, ever. Share your vision with us and we’ll speak candidly with you about how StrataCom can make that vision a reality.


3523 45th Street South, Fargo, ND 58104

+1 -701-232-5697

Jira Service Management

Visualizing Workflows and Tracking SLAs: Jira Service Management Data Center vs. Cloud

 Atlassian’s Jira Service Management software and the battle between the Data Center and Cloud platforms. Join us as we explore the key differences between these two platforms and how they affect workflows and SLA achievement and resolution time. We also discuss the use of dashboards to visualize workflows and track progress. Our guest speaker […]

Jira Service Management
Return on Investment

Boost Your ROI with Jira Service Management

As an Atlassian Partner, and seasoned ITSM integrator, we understand the importance of maximizing your return on investment (ROI) when it comes to IT service management. In today’s fast-paced business landscape, organizations must strive for efficiency, transparency, and streamlined operations. That’s why we highly recommend Jira Service Management as a powerful solution to help you […]

Cherwell API

Why Switching Your Office 365 Connection in Cherwell 2022.3 to Use the Graph API Connector is a Good Idea

Currently, when sending emails through Office 365 from Cherwell, you have a few connection options.  How you set up your connection in Cherwell will determine how the email is sent through Microsoft’s Online Exchange system.  The 3 available methods include: Basic Authentication.  Although Microsoft retired Basic Auth for receiving emails, there are no plans to […]